


8:00-8:15 Opening Remarks
8:15-9:00 MLG Keynote Talk 1: Self-supervised Learning and Pre-training on Graphs
Jie Tang
9:00-09:15 MLG Contributed Talk 1: Completing Taxonomies with Relation-Aware Mutual Attentions
Qingkai Zeng
9:15-09:30 DLG Contributed Talk 2: Neural Priority Queues for Graph Neural Networks (GNNs)
Rishabh Jain
9:30-10:00 Coffee Break
10:00-10:45 DLG Keynote Talk 2: Multi-View Knowledge Graph Representation Learning
Wei Wang
10:45-11:30 Panel Liang Zhao (Emory), Zhangyang Wang (UT Austin) and Wei Cheng (NEC lab)
Host: Yinglong Xia
11:30-12:00 Poster Session 1
13:00-13:45 DLG Keynote Talk 3: Practical Challenges in Graph Representation Learning
Karthik Subbian
13:45-14:00 DLG Contributed Talk 3: OCTAL: Graph Representation Learning for LTL Model Checking
Prasita Mukherjee
14:00-14:15 MLG Contributed Talk 4: SpotTarget: Rethinking the Effect of Target Edges for Link Prediction in GNNs
Jing Zhu
14:15-15:00 Poster Session 2
15:00-15:30 Coffee Break
15:30-16:15 DLG Keynote Talk 4: Expressive, Scalable, and Interpretable Graph Embeddings
Leman Akoglu
16:15-16:40 Final Remarks
Neil Shah