Time (EST) Feb 28th

Session I


11:00-11:15am Session: Opening Remarks [video]
Jian Pei

Lingfei Wu

Xiaojie Guo
11:15-11:45am Keynote talk 1: Graph Neural networks through the lens of algebraic topology, differential geometry, and PDEs.

Michael Bronstein, ICL
11:45-12:15pm Keynote talk 2: Graph Neural Networks for Molecules.

Stephan Günnemann, TUM

Two Contributed Talks

Talk 1: Semantic Segmentation for Point Cloud Scenes via Dilated Graph Feature Aggregation and Pyramid Decoders [video]

Yongqiang Mao, Xian Sun, Kaiqiang Chen, Wenhui Diao, Zonghao Guo, Xiaonan Lu and Kun Fu

Talk 2: Center-oriented Attentive temporal Pooling for Link Prediction on Dynamic Networks [video]

Jian Zhang, Minghao Zhao, Runze Wu and Qi Xuan

12:45-1:00pm Coffee Break/Social Networking
1:00-1:30pm Keynote talk 3: Beyond Homophily in Graph Neural Networks [video]
Danai Koutra, University of Michigan
1:30-2:00pm Keynote talk 4: Provable Benign Training of Graph Neural Networks.

Xia Hu, Rice University
2:00-3:00pm Spotlight talks + Live QA

Time (EST) Feb 28th

Session II


4:00-4:05pm Session: Opening Remarks [video]
Yinglong Xia

Jiliang Tang
4:05-4:30pm Keynote talk 5: New results on the Foundations of Graph Neural Networks

Pan Li, Purdue University
4:30-5:00pm Keynote talk 6: Zero to One Billion: The Path to a Rich Product Knowledge Graph

Xin Luna Dong, Facebook AR/VR Assistant

Two Contributed Talks + Live QA

Talk 3: Discourse-level Relation Extraction via Graph Pooling [video]

I-Hung Hsu, Xiao Guo, Premkumar Natarajan and Nanyun Peng

Talk 4: Rxn Hypergraph: a Hypergraph Attention Model for Chemical Reaction Representation [video]

Mohammadamin Tavakoli, Alexander Shmakov, Francesco Ceccarelli and Pierre Baldi

5:30-6:00pm Keynote talk 7: Graph-Guided Networks for Complex Time Series
Marinka Zitnik, Harvard Medical School
6:00-6:30pm Keynote talk 8: On the Generalization of Graph Neural Networks
Renjie Liao, Google Brain and Vector Institute
6:30-6:45pm Coffee Break/Social Networking
6:45-7:00pm Best Paper Award Ceremony + Final Remarks
Lingfei Wu

Yinglong Xia

Jiliang Tang
7:00-8:30pm Poster session (poster presentation in Gather.Town of AAAI'22)